Beim Kauf meine 2009er Caravans musste ich feststellen, das man nicht mehr selbst den Füllstand messen kann. Wie soll das jetzt in Zukunft passieren, muss ich jedesmal zur Werkstatt wenn ich mal schaun will ob genug Öl drin ist ??? :shock:
Owners Manual Seite 458[/b]]
Automatic Transaxle
The automatic transaxle and differential assembly are
contained within a single housing.
The fluid level in the automatic transaxle should be
checked whenever the vehicle is serviced. Operation with
an improper fluid level will greatly reduce the life of the
transaxle and the fluid.
All four–speed transaxles are equipped with a conven-
tional filler tube and dipstick. If fluid is added, it should
be added through the filler tube.
All six–speed transaxles are equipped with a capped
dipstick tube. It is sealed and should not be tampered
with. Your authorized dealer has the necessary tools to
ensure that the fluid level is set properly.
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